A Niu Take on Broccolini
Do you struggle to eat your greens? Try a Niu Take on Broccolini with a flavourful dressing using our Niulife Teriyaki sauce.
Prep Time - 5 minutes
Cook Time - 2 minutes
Serving - 4 Side Servings
- 1 clove of Garlic
- 1/2 tbsp of Niulife Coconut Oil
- 1/2 tbsp of Niulife Cocomino Teriyaki sauce
- 1 bunch of Broccolini
1. Pre-heat the stove top at a high heat.
2. Mince 1 to 2 cloves of garlic and remove leaves from broccolini stems.
3. Once your pan has reached a high heat place 1/2 tbsp of Niulife Coconut Oil, your broccolini and minced garlic into your pan.
4. Allow your ingredients to fry in your pan for one minute, ensuring you stir in your oil and garlic evenly over the broccolini.
5. After 1 minute add in 1/2 tbsp of your Niulife Teriyaki sauce. Place a lid over your pan to fry.
6. After 1 minute of steaming check on your broccolini, if it appears as soft as desired, remove your flavoured broccolini.
7. Add extra Niulife Teriyaki Cocomino sauce to your broccolini for a stronger flavour punch.
Serving suggestion: This method works well for a range of stir-fries. Try a healthy veggie stir-fry with ingredients such as carrots, onion, mushroom, capsicum, and bean snaps to increase your vegetable intake. Allow more frying time for harder vegetables like carrots.
Purchase our Niulife Teriyaki Cocomino Sauce
Purchase our Niulife Coconut Oil
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