Curried Cauliflower Rice with Roasted Sweet Potato, Sauteed Kale & Pine Nuts
INGREDIENTS1 cup cauliflower rice (grab some from the
supermarket or make your own by coarsely blending cauliflower)
.1 tbsp Niulife Extra Virgin Coconut Oil2 tbsp Niulife Cocomino (Sweet Chilli or Original)1 cup kale1/2 cup toa…

Blackberry Cashew Cake
200 grams dried apricots,
soaked for 2 hours or overnight200g Niulife Organic Coconut Flour2-3 BananasJuice of 1 lemon2-3 tbsp Niulife Organic Coconut ButterNiulife Organic Coconut Syrup, to taste1/4 tsp Turmeric for

Soba Noodle Salad with a Peanut & Cocomino Sauce
– 1 packet of soba noodles
– 1 red capsicum
– 1 cup of grated or diced carrots – 1/2 cup of diced red
– 1 cup of diced snow peas or cucumber – handful of diced
coriander and mint
Dressing– 2-3 tbsp of coconut aminos ( or t…
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