Coconut & Blueberry Chicken Salad
With the weather starting
to warm up, we had to whip up our Coconut & Blueberry Chicken Salad!INGREDIENTS
300g chicken thighs
70g natural yoghurt
50g fresh blueberries
50g rocket
Fresh lemon juice
Slivered almonds
15ml Niulife MCT Oil

Choc Chunk and Macadamia MCT Cookies
Hello, our beautiful cookies. You are all looking mighty fine today! These cookies are choc chunk and macadamia (with a sprinkle of salt). It always surprises us when we hear that someone hasn't tried this combo before. It really is one of…

How to add lean muscle with MCT oil.
MCT oil has over the last 10 years gained huge popularity with people looking to build muscle and stay lean. It has many reported benefits, including increasing energy, maintaining a full feeling longer, increasing metabolism, aiding recovery and los…
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