“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The
rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see
things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the
status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy
ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can
change the world, are the ones who do.”― Rob Siltanen
When we first started out in 1994, Virgin Coconut Oil was
unknown in Australia and around the world. It's because of what we've
done over the past 24 years that it's become an industry.
Since then we’ve worked tirelessly with local governments and organic certification organisations, like NASAA, to develop world-class protocols for the ethical and sustainable production of certified organic coconut products.
Our entire Niulife range of certified organic gourmet coconut products are made from sustainably sourced, ethically produced, organic wholefood ingredients with 100% of all profits going back to equipping our village communities with everything they need to enjoy a brand new, better quality of life.
Each DME® coconut oil press is independently owned by the villages. Not only do we buy the oil that the villagers produce (after they have kept all that they need for local use), but we give 100% of the profits from the sale of ALL Niulife products back to the villages via our DME® Village for Life™ Empowerment programs.
These programs, run by our Village for Life™ Support Teams in partnership with individual village enterprises, equip locals with all the knowledge, skills and tools they need to set up and sustain their own independent small businesses and thriving micro-economy.
Every year our team continues to set new benchmarks and pioneer technologies, ideas, and opportunities for helping local villages create additional income streams by turning their coconuts into cashflow. This includes making soap from the oil, using the left-over coconut meal from DME® production for stockfeed, and using leftover coconut shell to fuel coconut drying plates. An exciting project we are currently working on is researching how best to turn coconut shell into biochar and charcoal using a self-fuelling retort system. We have also developed a simple cooking stove for the villagers which can be heated using the biochar, which is a safer alternative to cooking over smoky wood fires. One of the leading cause of death for women in the Solomon Islands are respiratory infections due to inhaling smoke while cooking, so using our biochar stove as an alternative will significantly increase the health of women and help them live longer lives.
We can never work on just one thing at once though…
Being the coconut experts, the innovators, and the leaders in our industry – we have decided that our next challenge is to come out with new products throughout 2019. We have been investing heavily in product development throughout 2018 and are so excited to show you what we’ve come up with!
We have proudly kicked this off with the release of our two new vegan products, Organic Coconut Ghee and Fysh Cocomino. We sure set the bar high! We are so pleased that our tribe are loving these as much as we do - it means we can give back even more to our village communities, which is at the crux of everything we do.
Keep an eye out for our next new product release coming soon!
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